04 May 2011

Meditation Practice Essentials

If you’ve decided to start a meditation practice, but are unsure where to start, you’ll be relieved to hear it’s easy to do. The following meditation tips will help you establish a long lasting practice.
You’ll want to start by learning about the many different types of meditation. You could also go to a meditation retreat center or visit a meditation group to speak to other people who have practiced for years. When you hear about other people’s experiences with meditation and witness group meditation and instruction, you will understand the philosophies better.
For best results, invest in the proper set up. If you can, set aside a room or a corner of a room for the sole purpose of meditating. You may wish to reserve a corner of your sunroom, office, or bedroom as your special spot. Choose the colors for this space carefully, as color influences mood significantly. You may wish to buy a comfortable chair or a set of pillows and a good rug to use to ensure comfort. Purchase an egg timer so you’ll always be able to enjoy your meditation without the distraction of worrying about the passing of time.
Depending on what type of meditation practice you wish to pursue, you may want to invest in music or tuning bowls. Many people find they enjoy the scents of aromatherapy candles or incense when meditating. Some people like to set up an alter upon which they place significant totems such as religious statues, memorabilia, or pictures of significance. Decorate your meditation space such that it inspires you and draws you in.
When you feel ready to begin your practice, commit to a specific amount of time for daily meditation. Relax in a comfortable position and prepare to engage in your first meditation session. Open your practice with a session centered around honoring your breathing or a chosen mantra. As you establish a daily meditation practice, you’ll notice your ability to focus and to handle stress will improve. 

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