04 May 2011

Why You Should Know Where Your Fruit Comes From

You might have thought that buying organic fruit was just another way to spend more money; after all, fruit is fruit. But actually, there are several reasons why it is good to know where your fruit comes from. And actually, you and your health are the centerpieces of several of these reasons!
Of course, one of the big reasons to buy organic fruit has nothing to do with you, but has to do with farmers. When you purchase locally-grown, organic fruit, you are able to support an important industry that is being squeezed out by mass-produced alternatives. 
But farmers and the environment are not the only things you will be helping; you will also be helping your own health.

How to Use the Five Observances of Yoga

Just as it is important to incorporate the yams (the five moral restraints) into your yoga practice, you’ll want to incorporate the niyamas (the five observances) into your practice as well. Think about these five observances as your move through each of your asana (poses), and then apply these principles to your daily life.
The first niyama is sauce, or purity. This niyama may inspire you to seek out only the purest of things and thoughts. You may feel prompted to eliminate practices that make you feel ashamed. You may feel moved to make restitution for mistakes. Or perhaps you will decide to purify your body by drinking clean water and refusing to eat foods that are unhealthy. Perhaps you’d like to quit smoking or abstain from alcohol?
Number two on the list of observances is contentment, also referred to as santosa. This is the practice of accepting what you have, and appreciating the blessings in your life. You may wish to practice thanking the Universe for blessings, or writing out lists of things for which you are thankful.
Number three is tapas, which is zeal. You may wish to envision your spiritual, physical, and emotional growth, as it is related to your yoga practice. Relish your eagerness to perform the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the yoga practices.
Number four on the list is svadhyaya, which is the introspective study of the self. Meditate deeply, allowing yourself to explore your inner world, determining what inside you is pleasing and not. Evaluate your intentions, your actions, and your inactions. As you investigate your inner world, criticize, accept, celebrate, and change.
The fifth niyama is isvara-pranidhana, or dedication to your higher power. As you perform the athletically challenging pieces of your yoga practice, you’ll want to invest in the spiritual piece of honoring the divine. You will find the spiritual aspect of your yoga practice will fuel the physical, and vice versa.
Continue to delve deep into the yamas, niyamas, and the other principles behind the physical practice of yoga to reap maximum health benefits.

Tips For Improving Your Memory By Exercising Your Brain

As you age – and even before you start to age – one of the scariest things that can start to happen to you is a slip in your memory. Many people start to find that their memory is slipping far earlier than they ever thought it would, and they think there is nothing they can do about this. But actually, there are a number of different things you can to do exercise your brain in order to improve memory. 

Doing puzzles of any sort – such as jigsaw puzzles, word puzzles, and word searches – is one of the best ways to exercise your brain. When you do such activities, you will strengthen both your brain’s capacity for thought and for recall, and these are both big items if you want to preserve memory. 

Of course, playing the game of memory is another fun and effective way to increase your brain’s ability to remember things. In this game, a number of cards are lined up face-down, and you must try to pair up the cards by remembering where the matches were as you flip them over. 

Learn great memory improvement techniques

One of the best activities you can engage in to improve your brain’s functionality in both the long term and the short term is chess. Due to the fact that chess forces you to see much further into the future than you would normally have to see, it becomes a real brain stretcher. 

Another way you will find to strengthen your memory in the long run is by engaging in some sort of creative activity. Creative writing is one such activity that does wonders for your memory, and drawing is another such activity. Your drawing does not have to be as creative as you might imagine; drawing things from pictures and from real life can also be great for helping to improve your memory. 

In the long run, you will find that your mind and your memory are working better and better as you engage in these activities. And as you start to age, you will find that this strengthened mind is helping you a lot in having a memory that continues to work great! 

Meditation Practice Essentials

If you’ve decided to start a meditation practice, but are unsure where to start, you’ll be relieved to hear it’s easy to do. The following meditation tips will help you establish a long lasting practice.
You’ll want to start by learning about the many different types of meditation. You could also go to a meditation retreat center or visit a meditation group to speak to other people who have practiced for years. When you hear about other people’s experiences with meditation and witness group meditation and instruction, you will understand the philosophies better.
For best results, invest in the proper set up. If you can, set aside a room or a corner of a room for the sole purpose of meditating. You may wish to reserve a corner of your sunroom, office, or bedroom as your special spot. Choose the colors for this space carefully, as color influences mood significantly. You may wish to buy a comfortable chair or a set of pillows and a good rug to use to ensure comfort. Purchase an egg timer so you’ll always be able to enjoy your meditation without the distraction of worrying about the passing of time.
Depending on what type of meditation practice you wish to pursue, you may want to invest in music or tuning bowls. Many people find they enjoy the scents of aromatherapy candles or incense when meditating. Some people like to set up an alter upon which they place significant totems such as religious statues, memorabilia, or pictures of significance. Decorate your meditation space such that it inspires you and draws you in.
When you feel ready to begin your practice, commit to a specific amount of time for daily meditation. Relax in a comfortable position and prepare to engage in your first meditation session. Open your practice with a session centered around honoring your breathing or a chosen mantra. As you establish a daily meditation practice, you’ll notice your ability to focus and to handle stress will improve. 

Help! Five Stress Relief Tips You Can Use Right Now

Need stress relief NOW? Can’t put it off until the weekend? These stress relief tips will help you get through the moment. 
Remove your self from the stressful situation. If a meeting is out of control, excuse yourself to the restroom. Are your kids pushing your buttons? Send them to safe places and get away to a separate room where you can think. Spouse pushing your buttons? Tell your significant other you need twenty minutes to think and leave the room. Is the stressor a long term and overarching issue? Give yourself a personal day. Just by walking away, you will feel your stress level drop. Use that time away wisely. 
Take a deep breath. The act of deep breathing is a calming action, related to your body’s reactions to anxiety. Pay attention to your breath as you inhale, hold it, and then slowly exhale. When you feel relaxed, you can try to deal with the stressor once again. 
Gain perspective. How important is this stressor, in the big picture of life? Is your career in jeopardy? Your friendship or marriage? Your health? Think of the other parts of your life that are positive. Look for solutions. Figure out what your responsibility is. 
Make a plan. Once you’ve gained perspective, think through what you can do about the situation. Let go of what you can’t change, figure out actions you can take, and trust your efforts will be enough. 
Re-engage with a positive, relaxed, proactive attitude. If others are still stressed out when you return, try to help them see there are solutions. Find ways to solve the problem together without placing blame. 
It’s important to manage stress for optimal health. If you are often stressed out, you will benefit from regular stress relief activities. 

A Green and Healthy Way to Commute

Finding a way to stay healthy is the objective of many people in the world today. Most often they are out of shape because they have only been involved in sedentary activities. Many are turning to bike riding since it is a great activity to stay healthy and to have fun. Riding a bike is possible with some pavement and some time. Wonderful and beautiful areas in every town have bike paths that run through them. 
If you are a woman looking for a great bike that is a comfortable ride you should look towards Cadillac. Their most popular women’s bike is the Cadillac L21 Women’s Comfort Bike. There are many different ways in which this bike can be used. Pure fun while riding around the neighborhood is one really nice option. Commutes to work or to school can also be conquered with it. 
Many great features are a part of the bike. The seat and the handlebars are both fully adjustable to any woman’s build. Both of these parts are attached to an extra light aluminum frame. This light frame allows most people to lift and carry the bike where needed. The wheels are also very light since they are made from stainless steel. This makes them long lasting and very easy to clean. 
Many different speeds can be achieved since the bike is fit with a Shimano 24 speed gear box. The pedals are placed more forward than usual allowing a more comfortable ride. This positioning also allows for a fully extended leg stroke, giving the rider the most power out of each pedal. Woman will appreciate the ability to get a max work out on each bike ride. 
This Cadillac bicycle is perfect for those who want to commute to work and school, as well as those who want to take leisurely bike rides. Many years of bike riding are the objective of the top notch materials that comprise the bicycle. Every bike ride will provide you with enjoyment as well as some much needed exercise. 

Do Low Fat Diets Really Work?

Most of us grew up hearing about how fat was so bad for us, leading to a trend of low fat diets. These low fat diet plans were based on eating as much as you wanted, as long as your diet was low in fat, under the assumption that people who subsisted on low fat foods (such as carrots and celery) would lose weight. This idea is based on studies linking consumption of certain types of fats with particular health issues. 

High fat foods are high calorie foods, which is why (in theory) eating low fat should help you lose weight. Unfortunately, not all low fat foods are low calorie foods, and some high fat foods are actually very good for you. For instance, consider the cocktail, which is fat free but packed with calories due to the high sugar content.

Low fat diets can work if you can resist the high sugar foods and eat only the high fiber or high protein low fat foods. As long as you can eat low fat foods that won’t trigger an insulin rush (result of eating high sugar foods), you may find yourself limiting calories and losing weight. The problem is this: most people need some high fat foods to satisfy cravings. Also, this diet plan ignores the need for portion control, when really, the body can only handle so much fuel before it starts storing it as fat. 

Is there a healthy solution to dieting? Try to eat low fat foods that are also low in simple carbs, but supplement your diet with healthy fats such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat, the fats that contain Omega 3 and 6 acids. This means you can eat salmon, tuna, nuts, avocados, and olive oil, in moderation, of course. 

A healthy weight loss plan focuses on calorie and portion control, healthy food choices, and exercise. If you choose to follow a low fat diet, make sure it is also a low sugar diet, emphasizing intake of healthy meats and high fiber foods. 

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