04 May 2011

Do Low Fat Diets Really Work?

Most of us grew up hearing about how fat was so bad for us, leading to a trend of low fat diets. These low fat diet plans were based on eating as much as you wanted, as long as your diet was low in fat, under the assumption that people who subsisted on low fat foods (such as carrots and celery) would lose weight. This idea is based on studies linking consumption of certain types of fats with particular health issues. 

High fat foods are high calorie foods, which is why (in theory) eating low fat should help you lose weight. Unfortunately, not all low fat foods are low calorie foods, and some high fat foods are actually very good for you. For instance, consider the cocktail, which is fat free but packed with calories due to the high sugar content.

Low fat diets can work if you can resist the high sugar foods and eat only the high fiber or high protein low fat foods. As long as you can eat low fat foods that won’t trigger an insulin rush (result of eating high sugar foods), you may find yourself limiting calories and losing weight. The problem is this: most people need some high fat foods to satisfy cravings. Also, this diet plan ignores the need for portion control, when really, the body can only handle so much fuel before it starts storing it as fat. 

Is there a healthy solution to dieting? Try to eat low fat foods that are also low in simple carbs, but supplement your diet with healthy fats such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat, the fats that contain Omega 3 and 6 acids. This means you can eat salmon, tuna, nuts, avocados, and olive oil, in moderation, of course. 

A healthy weight loss plan focuses on calorie and portion control, healthy food choices, and exercise. If you choose to follow a low fat diet, make sure it is also a low sugar diet, emphasizing intake of healthy meats and high fiber foods. 

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