04 May 2011

Looking for a Natural Sweetener?

There are any numbers of reasons that you may want to drop refinded sugars from your diet. Some people want something with a lower glycemic index while others just want to get back to nature with their diet. The reason you have doesn’t really matter.  If you have decided to make a change you may be wondering what your options are. 
One great natural sweetener is blue agave.  This is the same plant that is used to make tequila When compared to sugar in sweetness, blue agave is considerably sweeter. It takes about a fourth less agave compared to sugar. This syrup can be produced organically. The flavor is similar to a combination of vanilla and honey. It can take a little bit to get used to the flavor. 
Another great natural sweetener is sweet sorghum syrup.  In parts of the country this is called molasses even though it is not actually molasses. Sorghum syrup comes from pressing the stems of sorghum plants and boiling off much of the water similar to maple syrup. Since sorghum can fairly easily be grown without chemical agents such as herbicides, and insecticides, it is typically found were organic foods are sold. One great thing about sorghum is it has a high iron level in it. The flavor of sorghum is very similar to molasses. 
Good old maple syrup is an outstanding natural sweetener.  The sap form maple trees are collected during the springtime of the year. The sap is boiled down over a long period of time to create the syrup. Nutritionally maple syrup has a fairly good level of calcium, manganese, and zinc. These are important elements for our bodies. Maple syrup is great when used in baking and can also be used to sweeten drinks. 
These are only three of many different options you have. Molasses and honey are also two good options along with less common syrup such as rice syrup. There are any number of natural options that will work for you. 

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